If you have not yet registered on the site and do not pass any courses, you can ask me questions about your problems in areas such as health, relationships, character or work psychoenergetics, spiritual and energy development etc. You can do this in the section Ask a question.
I'll collect your questions, group them by topics and do a mailing with the answers and comments to all subscribers. Send us your questions and subscribe to our newsletter with free lessons.
And if you want to get a personal consultation or help, go to this page.
If you are registered on the site, you have passed trainings or are still in the learning process, but you have questions that you can not find the answer on; you have general questions about our themes; questions about the difficulties that you encounter in the learning process; questions about changing of your psycho-energetic or physical condition during training; as well as all of your comments on the errors in the text, recommendations for improvement of the site work, etc. you can:
• write me in the section – Questions about the courses (in a private cabinet) or email me: odinsadashiva@gmail.com
Your opinion about the project and all your advice to improve – for me, in fact, are very important. I will be very grateful to you for that and try to implement them to maximum.
And all your questions and difficulties that may encounter in the learning process – even are more important to me.
If the "learning" does not bring real benefits – it is useless learning. And I'm honestly interested in your coping with everything, so I will communicate with you :)
Yours respectfully, Odin
P.S. Concerning the partner program questions on the internet, write me an email.