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Tous les problèmes qui existent dans votre corps ou dans la vie naissent dans votre aura...

Salut! Je m'appelle Odin. Je suis un psychologue diplômé, praticien psychique et coach de vie, thérapeute en bioénergie et guérisseur spirituel avec 15 ans d'expérience dans l'aide aux personnes, expert dans les domaines de la psychoénergétique humaine, de l'autoculture et des techniques pour les désirs à venir vrai, Reiki Grand Master, consacré en système Reiki de 4 étapes (lignée Mikao Usui - le fondateur du Reiki).

Je vois l'énergie et je peux vous dire ce qui se passe avec votre aura et comment la déboguer. Chaque jour, j'aide des centaines de personnes à trouver et à retirer des déchets magiques, les raisons des échecs dans la vie, des maladies et de nombreuses autres conditions destructrices.

J'ai développé un système d'auteur unique pour l'auto-développement rapide, le nettoyage et le renforcement de la psyché et de l'énergie, le rajeunissement et la guérison du corps. Il a été utilisé par plus de 700 000 personnes du monde entier pendant cette période.

Je me suis engagé dans la guérison, la psychologie et la spiritualité pendant plus de 15 ans. Je suis auteur de formations en psychologie et psychoénergétique "Pourquoi les dieux ne nous entendent pas ou Comment réaliser les désirs".

Je pratique les techniques les plus efficaces de développement personnel de l'hindouisme, du chamanisme, de la tradition des anciens Slaves, des SPAS cosaques et de nombreux autres systèmes.


Si vous courez en cercle depuis des années et que vous ne pouvez pas vous débarrasser de maladies ou de troubles de la vie, ou si vous voulez simplement vérifier l'état de l'aura, décrivez brièvement vos problèmes de vie et envoyez-moi par mail votre photo en pleine croissance sans étrangers sur la photo, je vais faire un diagnostic primaire pour la présence en vous d'effets magiques et de niveaux d'énergie.

Peut-être que la raison de vos problèmes est là-dedans, et vous n'avez besoin que de quelques séances de rituels de nettoyage pour améliorer radicalement et rapidement la situation.

Je peux vous aider dans ces domaines*:

► protection contre les coronavirus;
► magie de la protection: séances de Reiki, rites et rituels védiques pour la protection et le nettoyage contre les effets magiques - les mauvais yeux, les sorts;
► magie de l'argent: rites et rituels de développement de carrière et d'amélioration de la condition matérielle, de développement et de protection de l'entreprise;
► augmentation de la vitalité et de l'immunité, le renforcement de l'aura et la protection contre les virus et les bactéries, la magie, les vampires énergétiques, la PNL;
► recherche et neutralisation de programmes énergétiques malveillants;
► changer les situations négatives de la vie et satisfaire les désirs;
► améliorer les relations avec la famille et les autres personnes;
► l'élimination des causes d'échecs chroniques et de malchance;
► amélioration cardinale de Lifelines;
► les séances d'assistance énergétique une fois tous les 1 à 3 mois - nettoyage prophylactique et correction du travail de l'aura.

Si vous êtes un guérisseur spirituel, un mage, un sorcier, un bioénergothérapeute, un psychologue ou un massagiste pratiquant:

► nettoyage régulier de l'aura des effets magiques que vous obtenez lorsque vous travaillez avec des clients;
► protection de l'énergie, correction du travail des chakras, augmentation de l'énergie vitale;
► rites et rituels pour le développement et la protection des entreprises,

– Décrivez votre situation, vos buts et objectifs, votre photo en pleine croissance et envoyez-moi par mail.

Je verrai votre situation et vous ferai savoir si je vais prendre le travail ou non. Dans certains cas, je ne travaille pas par principe.

Je conduis toutes les séances à distance en conséquence de la photo. Une photo est un double d'énergie à part entière, comme les déchets corporels ou une chose humaine, donc l'effet des séances est exactement le même qu'en direct.

Pendant les séances, vous n'aurez rien à faire de spécial - suivez simplement mes recommandations simples, décrivez votre état après chaque séance et faites mes exercices.

Vous recevrez également du matériel précieux de ma part - des solutions prêtes à l'emploi pour une amélioration rapide de la santé et une situation de vie: des rituels et des exercices simples de protection et de renforcement, des recommandations pour l'alimentation et la nutrition, des liens vers des vitamines et des micro-éléments naturels testés, des exercices pour éliminer les problèmes avec la colonne vertébrale, après quoi 70% des personnes ont des "maladies avec une raison incompréhensible" et sont donc traitées pour des maladies inexistantes, ainsi que des liens vers des films, des livres et bien plus encore qui changeront votre perception du monde.

Disclaimer: *La réalisation des résultats souhaités de chaque participant peut varier. Je ne suis pas médecin et je n'ai pas de permis pour diagnostiquer et traiter des maladies. Je suis psychologue, coach et Grand Maître Reiki. Si vous pensez que votre état est grave ou potentiellement mortel, veuillez contacter un professionnel de la santé agréé. Les méthodes de guérison spirituelle que je pratique sont conçues pour fonctionner avec l'aura humaine, et non comme un substitut aux soins médicaux professionnels. Les résultats peuvent varier selon les circonstances; nous ne sommes pas responsables des avis et recommandations des clients.

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I want to tell you the feelings after your first Reiki session. I met with adult grandchildren. Lots of love like never before, especially with a granddaughter. A frank conversation about life is the first touch in many years. I think your lesson was not in vain. My soul and opinion about people somehow became refined. In the subway, I looked at people from the angle of divine love – something in me was greatly transformed!!! I wanted to paint portraits, A person with disabilities was sitting with a woman, socks were inside, very thin, haggard, and even hunchbacked. His face was painfully beautiful with an imprint of kindness and radiance, sad eyes. Something fluttered inside of me, and now I am writing almost crying. I sat and asked God to somehow improve his life! Why is this left with me? I don’t know, and I’m bothering you – sorry for this letter, but I cannot recognize myself... Whose eyes looked at people from me? Maybe the eyes of God himself? Such a strong influence you put on me! Thank you, you are a very generous person! Wishing you joy and light!



Recently I quarreled with a black magician. After a while I received a return. Troubles at work, I was beaten in the yard, chronic diseases worsened. I signed up to Odin for a consultation on the advice of friends, wrote about my problem and sent a photo. It turned out that the magician loaded me with chaos in the photo. During the consultation I received from Odin several tips for cleansing and protection. I do it. In a week I will repeat the diagnosis. Thanks for the help!
I couldn’t understand why my mother’s fate was repeated on me. I have the same difficulties with my husband and in life. At the consultation I got a full understanding of how the birth programs work and how to remove them. It is a pity that I did not know you before and that I spent a lot of time and nerves. But it turned out to be not so difficult. There is understanding and desire, now it’s up to the small thing – to remove the negative generic karma in myself so that at least my children live better. Thank you for the simple explanations of such difficult things!



An hour is not enough for consultation. If you dig deeper, then a bunch of moments come out and you just cannot remember them for an hour. While you are in the Odin’s field, everything is simple and clear, and then there’s a mess in your head and you don’t remember anything. Therefore, be sure to write down all the important points and recommendations of Odin during the consultation. Then you will figure it out, and if something is not clear, write to him – he answers.
Hello! In an hour I got a lot of usefulness and a bunch of tasks to work through! I want to sign up for your training. Thanks!



Good afternoon, Odin! It’s good that you have the opportunity to chat online! I saw you only from trainings and posts on social networks, but now you can chat live. This is pleasing, because to speak live is a completely different effect. Being in the Master’s field is still a much stronger thing! I know that a year and a half ago your daughter birthed, and you have little time for online communication. Let me congratulate you and wish all the best to your daughter, wife and you! Please, do more trainings and webinars. Thanks for the useful work. It helped me in solving my difficulties!
Here is my story. Previously, I’ve already visited several healers and everyone said approximately the same thing – that I have spells. Therefore, it does not go well in the family and at work. Everyone frightened me with terrible consequences and almost death, if they were not broken. And they ask a lot of money for that. Before the consultation, I sent Odin my photo for diagnosis, I wanted to see what he saw. Odin said that I have negative maternal programs. But he convinced me that there was no need to be afraid that generic damns could be nailed and gradually removed. He made several Vedic rites for me for sane money and a month later diagnosed again – my energy was clean. To protect against magical attacks, Odin gave me several exercises. I do them regularly. Two months have passed since the second consultation. The results are amazing – I began to feel much better, I became calm, everything is getting better in my family and at work, there are some pleasant “accidents”. I got rid of alcohol too. I don’t know what he was doing there, but it worked! Thank you for providing moral support and inspire hope, and not scare people like most magicians.



Here they write that Odin communicates quite softly during the consultation. Probably I was not lucky, because he was tough with me. I am sure that my difficulties arise due to some people who interfere with me and spoil everything. And Odin insisted that the problem was in my attitude towards them. From the first minutes the consultation did not work out, but in an hour he finally convinced me - he found more and more arguments and gave a whole lecture on what was happening to us and why. But the consultation has already ended and I have not received any advice on what to do right now, but only the theory. Now I have to pass the consultation again((
Arthur Thanks for the offer, but I need to refuse. I am a social worker and for me it is huge money. Thank you so much for the free lessons! Now I need time to understand and master them.



Odin, I want to consult with you: since February 8th, after your cleansing, the appetite appeared, the first week was generally atrocious, then it became normal and there was a big surge of strength, better health and mood (which I didn’t have during the year!). I work on myself basing on your materials, I try to think only positively and behave energetically correctly. What will you advise more to do for recovery? Thanks for the help!
Good evening, Odin. According to your recommendations, I did all the exercises of your lesson. The headache ceased to hurt, the cutting pains in the eyes disappeared (I work a lot on the computer). I will carry out this procedure every morning. I am very grateful to you for the lesson! I agree with you that the number of operations and stresses in my life that I endured is really very abnormal, and that we need to understand why this happens. I really hope for your help. I bought your course and begin to learn it a little. You write very interestingly! I am waiting for the results from you to diagnose my aura for the presence of energy influences.



Odin, I want to express my deep gratitude for the diagnostics you performed and for the clarifications. You bring good and help to people! I would like to wish inexhaustible health, boundless success and great happiness to such a person as you!
Thank you very much, Odin! It has become lighter on the soul after your sessions, and I will definitely consider your tips on how to keep the aura clean. As for the fact that someone is doing energetic influences on me, I can’t say for sure. At one time, my family was broken for the same reason according to my friends mind. Although I do not want to believe it. Do you have the gift of clairvoyance? Can't you see what is going on there with me?



Good morning! I’m giving you a report on cleaning sessions. Today, when you started working with me, I was in the church. My entire left side was burning, and my left arm was numb. But you removed this hardness and everything came out over my head! God, what a relief I felt at that moment! Feeling as if the SOUL is FREE!!! I’m so grateful to you! But. Within a couple of minutes, this "reptile" climbed into me right into the church again. I felt it like a hot fever in my left ear, and then a few minutes later in the right one. Now I'm burning, but tolerantly. "Connections" continue to exist, but they are weakened a little. I trust in God and in your help! I clean the apartment with salt according to your recommendations, eat right, put up the protection, as you advised, and stick up to everything that I read from you! Thank you for everything!
Odin, I'm happy to the limit! Some other degree of development and understanding of everything was revealed to me. Apparently we have been cleansed up to some layer. I am in such a strong emotional shock and happiness, words cannot express it! I feel so good right now, I even wrote to Nastya and talked to her, as she is a woman, she understood me very well and sincerely. I don’t know what you have done, and I don’t know yet what it is, but what I understand now is just amazing. I’m not only aware of my essence, but also my life’s mission, and all the technical capabilities to solve all the questions that need to be resolved. There are no words)))



Hello, Odin. Sometimes I feel strong doubt and guilty about my situation. Last night, I had a headache, but in general I feel much better. And, most importantly, I found a job, I’m going to start working from Monday and this is very important for me. I know that this is thanks to your work, I appreciate you! And I had bad relations with my son, but now he began to talk normally with me. Thank you and sincerely believe in further improvements. I will continue to describe the situation to you. Bow low to you!
Odin, I really have been changed, the changes are obvious to me, otherwise I sincerely react to everything, I am passionate about my business, I write and get very great pleasure. I don’t even remember the previous reactions to many things. Thanks to you, I am qualitatively different! And the fact that they attack me does not upset me, but surprise me. And they break in indiscriminately, and when I refused, they are openly surprised, like: OMG you are so angry! I work with chakras every day, try to make sports and eat right. There are no more random people in my life. I’m trying to cut debts. I have a request - can you check what is happening with my eyes when you will have time? Or how dangerous is what is happening to them, and will there be any tragic results? Although honestly, I’m sure that one lady just closed me my 6th chakra so that I couldn’t resist the circumstances and give myself to her son. I filmed this 3 times, but she is avid. Help me with this!



Hello, Odin! I want to thank you for your work! You really helped me, I got a very good job in France. In addition, I was chosen from among many candidates, now I am preparing for the trip. I really hope that I can handle it and everything will be fine. I am going to contact you for greater success! I wish you success in your work with all my heart!
Hello dear Odin! Thank you, I feel like day and night!!! My strengths are returning, I am becoming myself – the way I was before this! :) The feeling of joy has returned, strength is increasing, my mood is good – everything is super! I felt this way already a month or two ago, despite the physical pains. Yesterday morning, I experienced many symptoms of the disease – from tingling, throbbing in the chakras, to sharp pains in the back of the head and right thigh. But after your session, lightness appeared, even in the eyes it became lighter, the body felt better, but the internal state was indescribable, compared to what it was. I feel joy, warmth, even heat! :) So good... it's just super! I began to feel warmth in my body last night, but today it’s generally hot! As if strength is pouring into me, I am recovering! Dreams are somehow chaotic – there were a lot of actions, even with an erotic smack. Today I already want to get up, crawl out of bed and to do something – this has not happened for about x months, I lay like a dead, in the physical and spiritual throes, slept for 20 hours a day, and today I cleaned the apartment, made myself a tasty meal! Of course, the body is exhausted from long-lasting pains, depressions, etc., but I will do a little according to your recommendations, will strengthen my body and Spirit, do exercises, pray, I will walk more in nature, I will clean my house, at least I will try. I was not surprised about the spell that you told me about, I felt it for a long time, and I did a check yesterday with an egg – 5 blood points appeared! Today, there is only 1 big, 2 small ones and all the negativity leaves me, so I see a picture with an egg in the water :) Of course, I'm not a professional, but I learned from YouTube, I made myself rolling out an egg) Please write, does my initiative interfere with your work? Odin, I am very grateful to you! The results from first day are amazing! I am very glad that I found you. With love, appreciation and gratitude, may all the Light Powers protect you! Wishing you a lot of happiness!



Odin, hello! I'm very glad that you took me out of turn and started the Reiki sessions and rituals of cleansing. I can already tell you my observations and changes. In the night from Thursday to Friday, there was an unusual reaction of the body, as if a chill and trembling, a great sweating, and then fell asleep, but as if I did not sleep at all, never had such a feeling. Moreover, I used to be treated earlier because of the allergic reaction, injections, and drops, bruises appeared on my hands and lasted for a very long time, and yesterday, literally, there was hardly any trace left of the bruises in one day. That's how your sessions work! I again have a desire to go in for sports, and I have already begun. Adding to all this, the guys began to show active attention to me, old friends and even new ones. Taking into consideration that fact that I almost did not go to contact for a very long time because of all the troubles and difficulties in life. I already feel that it is easier))) The apartment cleansing in the ways that you sent me, I'll do in the coming days, I'm preparing to move to a new apartment now. I also do the lessons from the mailing list, and I also want to get your full course today. If I start studying the course, can I do my own protection and cleaning in the future, so that there are no such problems as now? I trust you and do not worry about the fact that during the sessions I have a lot of bad programs coming out, I already know it, I see by my fate and life. And I believe that you will remove it from me, as helped to my friend who gave me your contact. Regarding the causes and circumstances of my life's troubles: the magical effect from the enemies is unlikely because the circle of contacts and my life are such that I had no serious conflicts and contacts with people whom I badly harmed. But in my family, there are many reasons for such a strong negative impact as the generic curse. Firstly, all the men are taken to drinking from father’s side. My grandfather drank to death according to stories he was accidentally killed by his daughter's husband, hitting his head against the wall. My uncle (his son) also drank and died, he was hit on the head. My dad is still alive, but he also drinks to death. He also had two severe head injuries and several operations. According to my mother's stories, when father's father died, he seemed to go off the rails. As long as I can remember myself, my dad always used to be a hard drinker, but only now it's a chronic and irreversible process when he can not control himself anymore. One of my aunts (his full sister) hanged herself in February, and last year her son hanged herself also. Dad said that he once pulled his mother out of the loop. The second aunt (another sister) drinks too. So, the most obvious thing we have is a generic curse, which through drunkenness leads to the death of many members of our family. Taking into consideration that there were many problems and difficulties in our family, my father periodically started drinking, got into accidents and other troubles many times. Parents visited many sorcerers, shamans, and clairvoyants. Perhaps this also played a role. My grandmother died of cancer from my mother's side, a year later my grandfather died, he was burned together with the house by a man who had robbed him before, and grandfather reported to the police about the theft. Mom said that it is possible that her sister practiced witchcraft through a shaman to hurt her because they had a very strong conflict in a moment. Apart from conflicts, parents had many clashes with the authorities, litigation, debts. When it comes to me, since childhood I have been exposed to some kind of negative influence because I often had nightmares, often had injuries and bruises. In the third year of studying psychology during therapy practice, I had something of an awareness that I do not live in my body and not in contact with the feelings that fill me. I can say that I was the first time in my body and in the life that happened then. Everything that hurt me, all the problems and difficulties began to reach my consciousness and the emotional crisis began. I was very bad, I cried a lot and did not understand what was happening to me. Then for the first time, I was able to realize all my destructive programs in the subconscious. I left the university because I had problems with my psyche. I was looking for the ways to help myself, was working closely with my subconscious mind, as far as it was possible. I added the work with the body and changes in nutrition, worked out a very large amount of pain, resentments, negative and destructive emotions, I was engaged in spiritual work through awareness as best I could, connection with God, everything I did was done intuitively for the most part. So gradually sensitivity to energy, information, and intuition began to increase. At the same time, my outer life did not develop at all, I did not work long at different jobs, something inside was constantly pulling. There were also difficulties with my personal life, and no matter how hard I tried, it seemed that I ran into the same negative result. I gradually healed myself, I got very good and noticeable results in personal transformation, but still, I felt the interference of something, and whatever I did, I could not clean and remove these "overlapping". So, as I studied myself very well this time, my abilities and feelings, some emotional reactions helped me to realize that I have some kind of external influence, that something influences and controls me since I could not control it and transform as well. I also wanted to say that even at school I had a strange behavior, and I had problems with alcohol in the university, a lot of destructive, negative thoughts and emotions, painful relationships with men, thoughts of death and suicide, although they were more external than my own, I always knew inside of me that I could never do this. Also, there were very difficult periods of hopelessness and despair, perhaps this also played a role and left a negative trace. A lot of negativity I directed to myself at that time, a lot of hatred, criticism. But the further, the more difficult it was to live in such thoughts and emotions, so now this almost does not remain with respect to me. Many bright and joyful feelings arise and there are many reasons for this, and I see them. Yes, and I see changes in relations with people in my life, in communication with them - I have exactly changed inside. About 3-4 years ago I visited a clairvoyant, he said that I was at the top of parental lineage, and judging by the rest of my relatives, I was really given more in terms of spiritual work, and in terms, perhaps, of some kind of generic work and material benefits, and in terms of studying and helping other people. If we talk on the basis of what I know and understood during this time, I have this generic curse for a very long time. I'm feeling it during a long period, and it's more like the sensations of generic and karmic programs that I have to work through. Most of all I had difficulties with a place in life, with work and realization, with personal life and finances, with many repetitive and similar situations, as if I entered the same dead ends. And in general - I just do not have much life in many respects, although often the situations in which much is given are happening, but to live "crippled" is difficult, dreary and takes away a lot of forces that could be used more intelligently. In terms of health, except for the recent incident, there were no and there is no serious problems or diseases now. Somehow, I do not know what else can be and need to be announced. I hope that what I have written will help you in your work. Thank you for your help.)) Have a nice weekend!
Good afternoon! I want to express my gratitude to you! I do not know how you did it, how you corrected it, you just only talked to me, but my problems that I described began to disappear quickly. I had the spontaneous changes of the daytime regime, I began to fuss less, all deals began to be solved much easier and faster, I began to devote more time to reading and sports. Earlier, I simply did not have enough time, all the time was crammed with some kind of nonsense. And the attitude to cannabis has become more serious and responsible. Attitude to money has become easier. When I walk down the street, my step is shorter and there is no rush in walking, as usual - a half-run. I catch attention on every sound, I became calmer and more restrained, imagining up to your advice a mother or friend who sometimes irritates me, a small light child. But still yesterday I had a breakdown - I did not pull away in time and did not look at the situation from outside. My mother nagged a lot, I sometimes do not find words to explain her these or those things. And sometimes I try to explain the same thing several times, and now I could not stand it for the third time and broke out. She does not take the criticism right, it's very difficult for her. And there are SIGNIFICANT improvements as for the rest. I do not understand how you did it, I'm very grateful to you!



Odin, thank you for your help! After your sessions, my state became much better and easier, I stopped sending the outbursts of anger to my relatives! I knew with my mind that I should not have offended them, but in reality, I shouted at them, then I apologized, six o'clock passed and I broke out again, and again I apologized. It was about 3 weeks ago, and now I am the kindest, cheerful and optimistic woman! We will definitely meet again!
Good evening, Odin! According to your recommendations, I did all the exercises from your lesson. The head is ceased to ache, the cutting pains in eyes disappeared (I work much on a computer). I will perform this procedure every morning. I am very grateful to you for the lesson! I agree with you that the number of operations and stresses in life that I have suffered is really very abnormal and that it is necessary to understand why this happens. I really hope for your help. I bought your course and start to study it a little. You write very interesting things! I’m waiting for the results of my aura diagnosis for the presence of energy effects from you.



I want to give you a small report on your methods, I think it will be interesting to you. I have been doing your practices for 6 days already. What has changed? A very good sleep appeared, a feeling of lightness is in the body, less fatigue and even I do not feel the pain in the joints. I wake up easily and without fatigue. Today there were some flights and visions in the morning, before finally waking up, i.e. I did not sleep any more and understood everything: my brain flew somewhere and saw some unknown places. It is very strange that I, without moving in space, see some completely unfamiliar place to me! Probably, this is the 3 eye has started to wake up, am I right? A few more questions: 1. I still fail to practice 3 times a day as it takes me 20 minutes for that in the morning and then I do a little meditation. And in the evening before going to bed I do an accelerated version, i.e. without Elements. I have absolutely no time to practice the third time because I come home late. Will this work in this way? 2. I bought your course and really want to pass all 3 levels during the vacations, please, tell me, how much time does it take to learn them properly? 3. My husband has a stomach problem, and now the disease recurrence began. Recently you helped my friends with a similar problem, who recommended addressing to you, telling me, can I sign up my husband for your sessions out of turn? He just can not wait a month. Thanks in advance for the answers and help!
Hello, Odin! I have new questions on practices 1 and 2. Since everything is just beginning, new feelings have appeared also, and it is important for me to understand them, to recognize at this stage. According to the first practice. 1. I begin to cry after pumping the ascending flow from the Earth. Of course, there was a definite picture of the Earth's visualization, but why tears? 2. I saw with an ascending stream that I'm standing on the waist not like in water, but in something very familiar to water. Transparent, not wet, light, and stretches, stretches. But very calm, childlike calm. Something like this. Strange feelings. I even felt it with my hands. Do you know what was that, did you happen to know such things? 3. Take my thank words after performing a few practices. I decided not just to talk, but to invest the energy of love and gratitude in words. So it works better in dozens of times. 4. Is it true that the power of intention goes through Anahata? Suddenly these words came to my mind. I decided to ask you. 5. Why during the practice sometimes: 1. Shake ))) 2. With the internal feeling, I realize that I'm not standing where I really stand, and the body is not at that angle. And when I open my eyes - I'm standing where I was. According to the second practice. 1. The element of Fire came in very hard. I felt as if I did not even want to. It was enough 3-4 breaths for me. Why and what does this mean? And, by the way, the element of Air flew into me so that I even staggered. 2. The element of Earth. Well, it's very difficult to lift it through the right leg. I had to "pull for ears" it with strong breaths)) I do 3-4 breaths and barely pull it to the center of my chest and only then I "merge" it into my left leg. After a few minutes, I finally feel cold, and not in the whole body, but only in the place of the right knee. Feelings - as if when you first sit out your leg in an uncomfortable position, and then get up and get a slight sensation of cold and tingling in the seated place. That's what I felt. I have a request for you. I know that my aura is heavily dirtied, I have health problems and in my personal life, so I signed up for your aura correction and cleansing sessions, but your administrator wrote me that the free place is only in a month. Sign me up earlier, please, I really need it! Sorry for many questions. Accumulated. I would be grateful for the answer at any time convenient for you. Namaste)))



Doctors have been unable to help me almost a year, and I understand that it's my own fault that I wasted energy for years and lived in complete negativity. They do not have a magic hose to which you can join and pump the energy into aura)) Your practices are done regularly, but I understand that there are still a lot of heavy energies in my aura, so the mud goes and goes out during the sessions. We have opened the box of Pandora with you, and there are a lot of things to cleanse there ... When you cleanse me, my whole body seems to hum and vibrate, and "the shaking" begins. Sometimes I even feel on a physical level how this or that chakra is spinning inside of me - the heart, solar plexus or Muladhara. Very unpleasant and painful these feelings are. I feel like a jelly)) Hands-feet-body are wadded, weak, and do not obey. I have earned a lot of trash, which blocks me + negative karma. As soon as you cleanse out another negative program out of me, I immediately start to lighten, I feel light and happiness, and the forces appear again. So for the next month or two, I'm with you, not with the doctors. I already visited doctors - pills, needles, tranquilizers, psychologists, BAA. These all do not affect me anymore. But there is good news, it seems to me that I already start dealing with energy parasites - now I attack them, and not they attack me. I become calmer and more tolerant, I do not whine or panic, I do not eat my heart out or others, I'm glad that I can bring the bag from the store by myself. This was even beyond my powers last year. Thank you very much, the progress is evident!)
Odin, thank you for the diagnosis and detailed information about me and my family! The information is useful, you confirmed what I see also :) I have not told you before - I have been practicing and healing for about 30 years. But I wanted to hear what you see. My daughter's boy really has a spell plus a love spell (connection on legs, groin, and energy take off), he is a descendant of Altai shaman. The eldest daughter has a strong generic energy (guardian), works with the energy field of any person for protection, healing, and has an X-ray visual sense. The youngest daughter has strong healing abilities (hereditary), and also an X-ray visual sense. Magical attacks are often directed to her, but she repels them quite successfully. A woman in a snow forest park is me. I know that I have enemies, you said it right: attempts to put a spell, damnation, a death spell (more than 12 years ago). I have been practicing for a long time, so I managed to cleanse up someone else's influence in time. If it does not complicate you, could you tell me more about my aura: the prevailing color, density and so on, I really need the confirmation of my "vision". I will be very grateful! I did not check you by no means, but I just check periodically MYSELF:) As for my family, we rarely get sick of anything, although it happens sometimes, once in a couple of years, but we manage with it quite quickly. For a long time, we have refused remedies, immunization and other mucks. As for helping other people: if they ask, I try to help, but not always. You are experienced and therefore know that you can help but not everyone and most people generally need only "tricks", and not real help. I wrote you as the attacks on me and my younger daughter have become frequent the last time, I wanted to check myself - do I see correctly what I see? :) Wishing you a clean road and kind people!



Odin, hello! After your sessions and the course, finally, everything is getting better! I'm temporarily in Kazakhstan on business, so I answer a little longer than usual). In general, I feel much better, and even if I compare the photo after the first session and now - the difference is just huge!) My wishes are - to have health and strength to live without harmful and destructive influences and programs gradually coming true, it's very pleasing))
Good evening, Odin! I read your next letter. Gradually, I begin to trust your site. We all know how the Internet is saturated with different information now. But I'll start with the basic, performing your free lessons, strange things began to happen to me, for example, it throws me into a fever, my heart starts beating fast, my head ached for the first few days, I even felt a little nauseated. But the more often I do your exercises, the easier it gets, and the state is better. The truth is I do not understand to the end, whether before the exercises should I enter in the "thought-stop" for 10 seconds. Is this nothing to think about, the state of relaxation? A week passed and I have noticed that I am calmer and confident at times. Thank you also for the free consultation, when you checked my aura by the photo. This week I will go through your aura correction sessions, but I want to learn how to clean my chakras myself, and I understand that it's really not very simple, good healers are a rarity. There is such meditation "chakra flowers" for the opening of chakras (Olga Belikova) - a strong meditation, "goose bumps on the skin." Also, I did the practices of "stopping the internal dialogue" (Elena Dunaeva), Li Holden Qigong morning and evening ritual for 20 minutes and Iyengar Yoga for Beginners. I've been doing this for a year, but the internal energy "locks" began to open only a week ago when I started doing your practices. Strange, but for some reasons they launched and strengthened all my previous work))! That's why I decided to share it with you. Also, I'm very interested in extrasensory medicine, but I'm afraid of it now, a specialist is needed here. My goal is to learn how to manage my inner strength, in other words - to know my inner world and discover my inner possibilities. Therefore, I ordered your course and will study it diligently. With your help, I hope to master this quickly. Yes, I also thank you for the audio magazine, you have a very nice voice). Thank you for your help and all the best to you and your family!



Odin, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your lessons! Literally, in a week I had a large supply of energy, there were good changes in life, my attitude to the world around has changed, and there is often a complete disconnection of all my thoughts. Very interesting condition!) My husband and daughter also started to do your practices after my advice, but I feel that there is very little knowledge on this topic, so yesterday we bought your course and plan to pass it as quickly as possible. We hope you will help us in this. And the husband signed up for your Reiki sessions because he has health problems and doctors can not make an accurate diagnosis. I thank you for my wonderful changes once again!
Hello, Odin! A week after your lessons, I felt much better, no shaking in the body, I'm not choking, I have an appetite, my mood is good. It seems to me that the energy during the practices flows much better. I signed up for your cleansing sessions and bought the first level of your course, I will start studying it on Monday. I'm sure that everything will be all right now! Thank you for everything!



Good afternoon, Odin! Most recently, I started doing breathing exercises for your first three lessons. Very interesting feelings: I have ceased to get tired, energy is enough for the whole day, life feels fuller and happier. And it's only for 5 days. This is all strange, I did not believe that it was possible before. I do not know what will happen next, but sending you already many thanks! Today I will begin to study the following lessons. You give a lot of information, and it is very deep and multilayered, so I want to not only read it but also to feel everything that you write about. When I worked with the Elements (2 lessons), Air and Water are passing very good, breathing is very deep and pleasant. But with Fire and Earth is a little heavier, I can not take a breath. Probably, my channels are jammed, but I think that gradually everything will be fine. I also have a request: today I have bought your course - all 3 levels, but before I start, I want to sign up for your sessions so that you can clean my aura for the knowledge to enter me easily and lightly. Thank you again!
Good evening, Odin! I send you my photo to check the state of aura. Thank you, I am very grateful and thankful to you for this! Telling the truth it is a bit scary to me because subconsciously I feel that there are some invisible connections, energies, black and white magic, spells, magic spells, prayers and so on. But I wouldn’t like to use them in my life because I believe that everything in Nature should develop harmoniously without additional outside interference. And it's a little scary to completely trust an unfamiliar person who has great strength and capabilities. Your materials are very interesting for me, they cause a positive feeling of immersion in the depths of the sacred and forbidden, hidden and guarded ancient knowledge of various civilizations and worlds. And if my subconscious has led me to your site, then, probably, this is not by coincidence. I believe that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard on yourself, to learn, to cognize - this applies to all spheres of life. And I do not expect fast results and I can accept that there will be no result, or the result will not be the same. In general, I do not dream of gold mountains and do not believe in fairy tales about "Cinderella". Now everything seems to be smooth, but somehow I began to walk slowly - I do not have enough energy to do everything planned. And I do not want to waste time and life in vain. I really liked your lessons about kindness, a beauty of the world and harmony, which slip in your statements. Your face and voice are benevolent, pleasant and get on the right side of you.



Thank you for your great support in words and in deeds! I would not have coped without you, these are not beautiful words for a show, I will not stop thanking you and God for your help. Besides, with the help of your practice of negative karma rewriting, I finally worked out the unrealized relationship with a person whom I could not let go for 10 years, scrolled everything in my head and twisted how bad he was like and how so-and-so was me. And how I worked (I spent 2 weeks scrolling memories positively inside me), so the sciatica is disappeared, it became easier, I do not even remember now that it was bad there)) The gums are also healing, I get lighter, but I still need to restore the digestion and legs... and it becomes different on the soul, as if it was not me before...
Hello, Odin! Thank you for your work. I'm fine, my childhood friend called me yesterday and offered a well-paid job. The state of health became better, as for the courses so far everything is clear. I make pictures of the key moments on the tablet and reread. I regularly pump the energy flows, even when I just sit still. I began to feel the chakras and ascending and descending spiraling energy flows. The atmosphere in the family became calmer and quieter. Can you look a little into the future? Should I go to work or not?))



Odin, I wholeheartedly thank you! After each new session I feel better. My legs, by the way, feel better as well from last week (touch wood), I still feel that the heaviness is hanging over my head, and I feel the kidneys for a few days in a row, probably there is something also cleaning, the dirt is going away. Our work is not in vain!))
Good afternoon!!! I didn’t sleep since yesterday, the strength has increased a lot. Yesterday and today's night I did your practices - filling with the energy of heaven and earth, the elements, the third eye, and my own practices (angry iidams - Yamantaka and Vajra armor, if you're wondering what exactly I'm doing)). Thank you for simple, but effective practices!



Good afternoon, Odin! You asked me how were my things after your sessions? I became much better than it was, definitely!) My heavy thoughts disappeared, I wake up completely in a different state in the morning, as if I am recovering better and faster. Often after sleeping I woke up ALREADY tired, now I don’t feel this. Before addressing to you, my inner state looked like I was imprisoned in a tightly tied bag. Today I dreamed of such a picture - we put together all dirt in the house and grabbed it to the threshold, but we did not throw it out yet. It is necessary to continue cleansing sessions, so that to throw for this threshold from my dreams all unnecessary things of myself and my life. And some more, a man's voice in the dream asked about you today), I sent him to Shiva to ask;) your second consecrated name works as a shield) Thank you very much!!!)))
Hello, Odin! Thank you, I'm fine. All is quiet and without incidents, I started to get used to a quiet life)). It seems that all my loved ones began to recover, not to speak too soon)). I finished reading your 1st book from the third time, and I'll start the second one the other days, it's already much easier to read after your cleansing sessions. At first I could not even force myself - it was so hard to concentrate. Daughter in law said that my aura has become good and light, she also has a little ability to see the aura, calls you a magician)) Thank you, all the best!



Hello, Odin! I'm glad that I've got the explanation of everything from you - it's all true, I'll try to explain to you how and what. You wrote that I have a maternal damnation. I answer - it's true, but I found it myself already living here, in France. My mother never loved me, I'm a child she has never wanted, and she always showed her hatred towards me, she loved only my sister, and humiliated me everywhere and always. When I finished school, I entered the University to study Engineering and Economics. My mother kicked me out of the house, just like that - she said she didn’t have to feed me and take care of me. At the age of 21 I began to fight for survival ... she did everything so that her relatives hated me, only her sister did not leave me alone. And my aunt, she told me that my own mother made the damnation to me. Once upon a time they together went to the Muslim haji who was doing this, the aunt herself heard how my mother asked about someone to (that was me) fell ill, so that her bones would break and crunch with pain, until that someone crawl back to her house and ask her for help! Then this man gave her a piece of bread and told her to feed the black dog. My aunt herself heard when he asked my mother to name the person to whom he was supposed to make this damnation or curse. She said my name. When they left this man, my aunt quarreled with my mother about this. At that time a heavy rain with a thunder started and they both fell off the cliff and both lost consciousness ... they were about to die. Mom, when she came to herself, trembled with fear and ate that very piece of bread. That's the whole story! I phoned her by Skype and asked about this, but she denies everything! Now I read her your letter, and she sits silently! WHAT SHOULD I SAY HER? She's already old and it's all in the past! You also write me that you see that I used to do very bad things in my life in the aura and my numerous sins, and that’s because the astral being of the lower worlds has the right to do with me all sorts of dirtiness now - to take my energy and ruin my life. I want to be honest with you and God and tell what I did wrong. Everything was against me in my youth, I hated and cursed myself because of bad life. I also did abortions, because my love always ended with hatred to men, and I had to do an abortion. I did not know God then. I had 3 times of suicide attempts, but I’ve never remembered that I wanted to kill someone. It's true, I'm kind and love people, and I’m unenvious... But people themselves hated me. They had many reasons. When I graduated the University, I made a career, got an apartment in the capital, bought a car and lived perfectly. MY NEIGHBOURS AND MY FRIENDS became my envy enemies. And I ignored the men who tried to make the relationship with me "just like that". I want to explain to you that a single woman is very unprotected in Georgia, and people are trying to harm her - this is the Georgian law. Men harm in the following way - they say about this woman that she is a trampy woman or a prostitute, and spread the gossip everywhere. And if a woman or a girl does not prove her honesty, she becomes unacceptable for society! I HAVE PASSED THIS 3 TIMES. I was 23 and I was a virgin, one man had a relationship with me, then gave up. I cried for 6 months and then damned him, I wished him to die and that God punished him! I did not even know, but he died that autumn because of stomach cancer. The second guy attacked me every time I was leaving my work, in the evenings for almost 1 month. I did not know him either, he said that he wanted to rape me, I was afraid of him very much, but no one helped me, and one day I damned him to face. I asked God to punish him and that I will be living peacefully after his coffin is carried away! I was 27 then. A week later, he was put in prison and sent to war, and there he was killed. I learned this from his neighbors. After that, I have realized that my bad words were very effective and I was very frightened. Afterwards I did not say anything bad to anyone. But, as far as I remember, everybody who harmed me faced great misfortunes, despite the fact that I did not damn anybody. The third guy was an employee at the factory, we only greeted from a distance. And he always told his friends that he had sexual relations with me and told his own invented tales. I was sick of it and announced him that he would be punished by God for this. A year later, his first child died. Odin, I regret very much about my sins, but I did it unconsciously, I did not know that it would come true, it was just when they mocked me, I answered and that was my and my authority defending. I have never attacked people and did not want anyone to die. On the contrary, they attacked me and even tried to kill me several times. So I left my homeland and came to France, asked for asylum, so I protected myself in a such way. But even here I’m not lucky with people, they always have reasons to hate me! You already know all this ... I want to add that I have a lot of friends from childhood and university. I have worked in many foreign companies as chief accountant for the last 10 years before leaving the country, and there are many people who love and respect me. I'm not a bad person, Odin, really! I just was alone, an unprotected girl to whom everyone tried to shit. Believe me, please! The last 15 years I’m living with the faith in God and according to the laws of God. Odin, I agree with you that it will be impossible to recover in a few days in such situation. I will be grateful if you put me on my feet. The main thing is that with your help I saw good changes in my life. I will not forget your kindness and will follow your instructions - how to live properly. Thank you very much for your help!
Odin, good evening! Tell me honestly, you have pumped me with energy, haven’t you? Or am I already such a thing? I admit, of course, the thought that all our cleansing operations revealed me true, but I don’t know myself like that, and I have a slight panic)). I don’t eat, I sleep little, I have a high level of energy, the flow is clean, bright and powerful. People began to relate to me differently, I feel more luck and good chance. Brain, speech, memory works better. The heart is cleaner and warmer, higher is kindness and degree of compassion. There are new good events around and people’s movement. True, I felt ill, but the illness runs not acute. What happens, Odin? I'm a little scared(( Or is this a normal human condition, but it is not familiar to me, since I have been in blinders all this time? Just don’t say that this is not the limit, I can barely cope with my new psycho-emotional state. My face has even changed. I do not know what to say, I am at a loss...



Hello, Odin! In general, everything is not bad on the 5th day of cleansing. From the good things I want to point out an increase of understanding of my personal positive qualities, a sense of a holistic and successful enough personality. Self-esteem and self-awareness have significantly improved. Only my plans and desires dominate my thoughts – it pleases me. But from the negative side, there is an increased desire to consume beer and the number of cigarettes has increased significantly. All attempts to quit these basic negative habits provoke the opposite reaction and increase craving for them and their quantity. But over the past couple of days with an increased quantity of beer, there has been no intoxication and no hangover, which was a week ago. I believe my body has become stronger and just cleans up much faster, but the deeply embedded parasites of beer and nicotine addiction are deeply and thoroughly rooted. I started smoking in the middle of October 2015, before that I had not smoked for 3 years and was firmly convinced that I would never return to this nonsense in my life. But having visited the event – the comrade’s wedding, I directly felt how I was infected again with this malicious program, and so far I can’t erase it. There I drank vodka, which I also hated during three years. I regret accepting the wedding invitation. I believe that his wife or her loved ones could have done the spell, since I tried by all means to dissuade him from this wedding until the last day before the wedding. As far as I have understood, they did a love spell and I clearly saw this. But he gave up, and as a result, for a couple of months of my observations, everything goes according to an algorithm familiar to me - his material and emotional life is dying away. With every quarrel with his wife, he invited me to talk and every time I was vampired and filled with negative programs. Almost a month ago, I stopped making friends with him. I come back to my situation today. In material life, an unexpected and significant wipeout has turned out today. Although this deal was planned and discussed thoroughly long time ago. And very unexpectedly, an unpredictable price for a car repair made my current financial situation very difficult. In general, there is a fairly calm state inside. I see what is happening as a nuisance, but not critical. But I really hope that this will be corrected in the near future. I attribute what is happening to the consequences of cleansing, as you said that it will be a little hang out, and that spells do not go away so simple. I want to focus on my main problems at the moment – beer and smoking. Is it possible to influence this during the cleansing process or there will be other recommendations and comments? Taking into consideration the fact that according to the analysis of my life from the moment I started drinking alcohol from the age of 14 (a generic problem on both sides), all negative situations and moments are associated with its use. But I am aware of the harm of all this, I tried all possible methods to quit it up, but the programs are very strong and rooted at many levels of my essence. I think my problem is not an isolated case and you can help me.
I would love to sign up for promotional cleansing sessions, but I can’t even find such a small amount now. Despite the fact that I have enough problems. Can I postpone it to another time? Although such opportunities appear once, I already know this (( Well, then maybe it will be lucky some other time.



I managed to order a consultation on the promotion for $17. And I got the information for a hundred dollars. Thank you, there was a problem with money, but with the help of your advice it’s already letting me through. Nicely))
Good afternoon! I had a problem – a big deal that I couldn’t push for six months. It all depended on a few people who were on my way. The deal is completely honest, and people demanded a big kick-back. A friend advised to write about this problem to my Teacher (he just was passing training by Odin). So I got a consultation with Odin, voiced my problem, not really hoping for anything. We agreed that he would work to replay the situation in my favor. To do this, I sent the names and photos of people who interfere with me and added my photo. A little over a month has passed, today the deal has taken place. To be honest, I'm at a loss)) Until that moment, I did not believe in such things. How did it happen. "For some reason" a couple of people changed their jobs this month. One felt ill, the second was fired, and the third sharply changed his mind and everything was decided with us. Maybe this is certainly a coincidence, but my promised considerable gratitude for resolving this issue is already on the way)) Odin, thank you! I still have some dead projects, let's work!)



Dear Odin! You wrote that you are not a doctor and are not involved in treatment. But you are a little cunning. Your exercises still help with health. So far, I have been doing only practice for replenishing energy and exercise for harmonizing the chakras 3 times a day (was listening to the shamanic tambourine) that you gave me during the consultations. The pressure doesn’t jump and I feel much better. Thanks for all!
My problem is a little energy, chakras are on the minus, the immunity is weak. Fatigue comes out of this reason, illness, I do not want anything and can not do anything. I used to try many ways to increase energy. But I received much more from you than I expected. We found out what overlaps the chakras and how to remove it. I only practiced the exercises for a week, checked on the auracamera - the chakras became much better and the state changed. Thanks for the consultation! I bought all your trainings and I will master them step by step.



Good afternoon! Thanks for the quick brain leveling! My family problems were not problems at all. The main thing is to find REAL reasons. I began to follow your advice and relations with my wife have improved. Thanks for the help! I now advise you to all my relatives and friends.
Thank you very much for your help! I was pleasantly surprised by your attention to my questions and the seriousness of the approach. For those who are interested, I will tell you how it was with me. First, Odin asked about my problems and methods how I tried to solve them before. My problem is bad luck. But not with everything. I have a good family, excellent health and I make good money. I'm lucky here :). But, for example, I recently bought a new apartment, and it turned out to be problematic according to the documents, besides there were 3 excellent problem-free apartments to choose from. Now I have tons of trials, scandals and expenses. Further: a friend advised me to invest in several projects, I chose the investment fund that bankrupted in a month. If I buy some expensive thing, it will definitely break or is defective, so I ask my wife to buy everything. It was very my car that a large ice floe fell from the roof on, although other cars stood on the sides. Baggage is often lost, tickets run out on me, etc., etc. This has all been happening for the past few years. I asked the magicians, they say that this is spell. Tried to break the spell – did not help. I didn’t ask to diagnose me, but simply wanted to hear Odin’s opinion – what could be the reasons and solution options: from simpler to more complicated. Odin told in details – how much time and effort needs to be spent on each option. After that, he gave me an action plan and made the tasks – what I can quickly do myself as a minimum. The consultation took the form of equal communication, and not a doctor-patient. I asked a lot of questions and received sensible answers to everything. It was very nice to talk with a practitioner and a professional! If you decide to turn to Odin, then first prepare yourself well. Clearly write down all your problems, and how you solved them, in order to "squeeze out of Odin" the exact ways of solving them to the maximum within an hour, and not waste consultation on this :).



At the first consultation, I was all beaten by Odin to pieces… I was sure that I knew the causes of my problems, but Odin in ten minutes figured out completely different reasons that I did not think about at all. He found and named some of the most critical things to work on. But the second time everything was soft and neat - he told in details why these problems arose, what they lead to, and what needs to be done to remove them. Thanks, it works! :) I signed up for individual lessons, but it’s a pity that VIP is still busy. Waiting for a free "turn."
Odin, thank you for the simple and working system! I have read all of your trainings and wanted to chat with you live for a long time. The consultation clarified all the questions and gaps. I really want to be among with your students of VIP-coaching, I'm waiting in a queue)



I try different techniques for fulfilling desires, but something goes tight. Stalled. During the consultation, I finally got an understanding – WHAT can bother me. Now it’s clear that it’s just stupid to do technique without “turning on” the power of energy – a futile exercise. Because it is precisely the aura and energy that triggers the materialization of desires! But for some reasons, all authors of the techniques are silent about this. Thanks. The strong motivation appeared and it is clear what I need to work with!
Today I had a consultation. The global aim is to improve my family life and material life. I thought it would be like a healing session, after which everything would work out, but we just talked. Of course I learned a lot of interesting things how to improve it all. But all this needs to be DONE. And I have neither time nor desire. I hardly have time to solve problems. So I’ll ask Odin to do some rituals for me, if he takes it of course. He said that he did not work with the lazy people.



I passed a consultation. The task was to clean and strengthen the energy field. We talked fruitfully for such a little money! But we did not have enough time. I have a lot of questions for you. Signed up for online training. Waiting for the start of a new group.
Good afternoon! A friend advised me to turn to Odin. He helped her to solve a difficult situation. I have a problem with my husband – he drinks and cannot help himself. We consulted the psychologists, doctors, but it does not help. I'm going to divorce him if he doesn’t give up, but I love him. After viewing our photographs, Odin found parental programs for both of us. We have the similar negative programs; it crawled out as an addiction to alcohol in my husband, and as for me: everything should be like I said. Odin works with us for two weeks. The husband began to change little by little, he began to drink less, and I’m feeling better as well, I became softer and more tolerant. Something is already happening. Hope for global changes!



Hello, Odin! I feel good. And I’m sure it will be even better. I work on myself, do practices and rituals. Everything is in working mode. Honestly, even after reading and listening not everything, I can say how voluminous the information is, how vast it is, and how deep your knowledge is. Everything opens gradually and becomes more clear what I came across. To say that it is interesting and informative is to say nothing. Prayer to the ancient God Shiva: is it important to put emphasis correctly? I read how I hear. After all, the words are unknown to me and on which syllable to stress, I do not know. I trust my intuition. There are a lot of practices. I follow your advice. I do as much as possible. And yet, after 3.5 months of filling up with the powers of 4 elements for the first time I felt a tingling in my right hand when I turned to the spirit of water. With the spirits of Fire and Air, there are no such feelings so far. And that is understandable. I have only started. But this is a big progress for me! All the best to you! Thank you for your work, help and time!
Odin, good evening. I am impressed with your resource! And what valuable knowledge you give! If you provide such high-quality and useful knowledge for free, I can only guess how valuable your paid materials are.



Thank you for the very helpful information. I read and watch you with pleasure, and after morning meditation, the desire came to cleanse the space of the house! Gone is putting off for later! I worked all day, strength, vigor and calm came, besides that fact that neighbors hollowed a wall with a perforator all day. It was hard, but I thanked the Powers for all the good that I have at the moment, and it became easier for me. And the evening lesson from you, Odin, I accepted in joy, more strength was added. On the inner space there is a dark background, formulas were shown with white and unfamiliar script, a lot, as if the space consists of this!!! I think enough for a start. And the music is just to tears. Nostalgia for something faraway and dear appeared. I wanted to sleep yesterday after your meditation, but not today. I am very grateful to Odin - the agent of good and light!
Good evening! When passing practice N3 "Activation of the chakras by inhaling and exhaling", the feeling was like I have a slight pulsation or tickling between the eyebrows. There were no sensations in the throat and chest area, because these energy points are still closed for me. Practices "Harmonization of the Chakras". I was simply thrown out of these exercises, because all sound practices with sound vibrating overflows act like an irritant on me. Practices N2 "Creating a Connection with the Gods" – mantras. This practice did not work out for me, because I don’t apply mantras in my life, I just don’t understand them. Practice N1 "Filling with the Power of Heaven and Earth"; "Filling with the elements." I failed to do it. Practice N5.1 For the first 2-3 days, the attention on the arrow was scattered, but with each practice the attention was getting better and clearer. I found this exercise very useful for me. Practice N 5.2. The first 2 days, the attention was scattered, but to perform exercises became easier. Practice N 5.4 "Development of vision attention." The first days exercise didn’t work out, but with each lesson the attention on the point became clearer, and the result is better. Practice N5.5 "Development of hearing attention." Attention was well stopped by the noise of the sea, wind, and the sound of watches. But the work of a construction tool was more difficult to capture, almost dissipated, because the sound of this instrument was too far. Practice N4. "The development and harmonization of Anahata." It is failed, the chakra is closed. Practice No. 6. "Burning Negativity in Manipur." During the performance of this exercise, I felt inner lightness, calmness and balance. But not all negative programs were released. Final review about video practices: Thank you very much for the information that you pass to people, of course not all practices suited me, but still I found for myself the most squeezed ones, I mean the exercises with which I began to work. Of course, to get some kind of result, you need more time and need regularity. 2 weeks is not enough. The main thing is that there are lessons, you can always log in in and perform them. Thank you!



Hello Odin. After your sessions, everything is quickly getting better. Suddenly money came to rent an apartment. I have found an apartment, we signed an agreement. I practice every day. At first I didn’t believe that it would work, but I didn’t give up, I thought I would play until I got bored, but for some reason they started to work)) Then it hooked me for a while, I wanted to know even more and feel more strongly – I wonder how it will end and whether it will end at all? What will I become, where will I get to, what will I transform into? But I definitely won’t go back to the past life and negative feelings, everything is rotten there. Only forward! Thanks for pointing the way. I began to feel when the larva does reconnaissance – will I respond to the provocation or not? I immediately catch it and burn it in Manipura. It is like hearing her screech remotely in fire, resembles like you fry potatoes, but sometimes I hear a squeak, it is short but loud. After that, all negative thoughts go away. I visited a psychologist today, she said that I became much more energetic and calm at the same time, in a good mood, more stress-resistant. She did not believe that I was able to change myself in 2 weeks. I have been visiting her for 3 years and I always cried at her sessions. And after your lessons I completely forgot about fears and for the first time within these 3 years I did not cry, and was calm. Thank you very much for your work!
Hello, Odin! Here came the day X, when my stepfather came drunk, sat in the kitchen and began to whoop it up. And after your course, it does not bother me at all, it’s even unusual somehow, but I like it! Cleansing and course began to work, for what many thanks to you!!!
