Cómo Atraer Dinero, O Por Qué Las Personas Malas A Veces Son Muy Afortunadas

How do you think why some very bad people sometimes have incredible luck in life?

How were they able to earn a lot of money or a high position? It is as if someone, somewhere helps them.

Where do they get such luck?

How do they reach such high results?

Why the God or "anyone else there" – HEAR THEM AND HELP?

Listen to this video and you will know the answers



It's high time to answer the question that I am often asked by readers. It's not even a question, but a set of questions and they sound about as follows:

"There are people who have never had and are not engaged in any spiritual and energy practices, but at the same time they achieve the significant results in politics or in business. Most of them can be described as soulless, cruel, greedy, prideful and selfish.

As a rule, they do not like anyone, do not sorrow for and never show the mercy – that means a group of heart chakras, which is responsible for the connection with the Creator and the gods, is not developed.

They often do not differ with outstanding intellect or some extraordinary abilities - that means the heart chakras, Vishuddha and Ajna responsible for the creative and intellectual abilities are not developed as well.

Many of them suffer from mental or physiological diseases, including alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual perversions, homosexual love, schizophrenia, neurosis etc. – so, the "odd" visible stocks of personal power, through which a person can maintain good health, and with the help of which the desires are fulfilled, they also do not have.

With the help of which internal "tools" or external energy sources they achieve such high results in our society?

How do they do it?

Why the God, or "anyone else there" hears them and help them?

Surely there is no one universal answer for each individual case, but I have several explanations – why it, in principle, can occur.

1. The very first explanation that comes to mind is: we live in the age of Kali Yuga.

I want to remind you what are the features of this era. Possible interpretations of the name "Kali Yuga" are – "Age of Kali demon," "Iron Age," the "age of discord."

In the ancient Indian sources, Kali Yuga is described as the most evil age, during which from the original goodness of humankind remains only one quarter of, and even then by the end of Kali Yuga it is completely destroyed.

During this era, the general economic and spiritual degradation comes, and people show their most horrible and disgusting qualities, wilting their courage, intelligence, and strength.

Anger, envy, and ambition begin to manage the behavior of people. People become the lying ones and observe only the appearance of victims, gifts and vows.

Brahmans (priests – author's note.) stop to create prayers, retreat from the sacrifices and the reading the Vedas, forget about the funeral sacrifices and eat anything. Nevertheless, the loss of moral values and neglect of duty ultimately turns against the carriers of evil and vice themselves.

The rulers, who became the tyrants in this era, can neither keep the people in subjection, nor to protect their peoples from the attacks of other nations, who have fallen into a state of barbarism, forgetting about the virtues and the offering the sacrifices to the gods.

Kali Yuga is terminated when the whole world is filled with evil and violence, which then is destroyed. Thus Maha Yuga (Manvantara) ends, and the range of ages restarts.

As we can see from the description, we have both of us in some sense, a little bit of luck. By the will of the Creator in this age of our Universe the hosts of heaven are placed in a such special way that for people on Earth is very difficult to take out from the universe at least a fraction of light knowledge and good spiritual energies, which it irrigates all living beings in the other – more "light" ages.

In this era, we only accept with excess the energies of ignorance, immorality, greed, hypocrisy, anger, etc. Therefore, as we would have liked, but we are forced to live a little in "dark," to adapt to these harsh conditions and, despite everything, still remain HUMAN BEINGS.

It is a feast during the plague for people with the lowest spiritual qualities.

This is their time – that's why they thrive in the age of Kali Yuga. But it is also – the most effective training for all people.

This is the test on the maturity of soul, the strength of spirit and consciousness, created for us by the Creator and we have to pass it with dignity.

2. A person can get the quick results to achieve power or money, because throughout his life he directs all his energy only in the bottom three or four chakras (in the Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, and in the small extent – in Vishuddha or Ajna) as well as in the development of many negative qualities of all other chakras. In addition, he completely ignores the positive qualities as such.

In a manner of his thinking and attitude, way of life, the direction of his desires, his principles, actions and strives, a person continuously activates the negative aspects of the three lower chakras – such qualities as: survival, fighting for territory, a place in society, food, sex, and so on.

We can say that in this incarnation he develops only the most primitive, tough and strong-willed qualities of the soul.

Perhaps in the past incarnation, his soul was in the body of an animal or his soul is too young, which should turn out all these qualities at this stage – then this is evolution.

But perhaps the other – if the soul is more or less mature, but the person acts in a such way only because it is "easier to live such way" – then this is degradation.

In any case, because of this "donation" and misalignment in the energy body the imbalance occurs, leading subsequently to various mental and physiological diseases.

From the point of view of energy as a result of such a "clumsy" development, the total amount of energy that must be distributed to all chakras and their cones evenly is distributed only to "negative" cones of three chakras.

Continually being in the overexcited state, these cones quickly exhaust their resources, then moving to a stable depressed or closed state.

3. As you remember, at each new incarnation the soul with the karmic body carries with it the coded chakras "achievements" during past incarnations.

All positive and negative developments are recorded in the energy matrix, which forms the initial configuration of chakras in our new energy body in the next incarnation.

A person can get all sorts of material benefits at the expense of his positive developments in the past incarnations, so it is all given so easily in this incarnation.

But very often happens that in the new life he can not "remember" and open in him all his 'pluses', that’s why he does not develop them. This quickly leads to degradation on the spiritual and energetic level.

But, despite the fact what will be "later," all his previous positive "achievements" have already formed the matrix of chakra system, that gave his chakras the opportunity in this life to have RIGHT and generate the energy in SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER VOLUME than most people have.

In other words, such person good "worked" in past lives, so now he has at its disposal more developed and "smart" chakras, or more chakras with large capacity of energy, or both taken together.

But due to the fact that he lives his life dull (in terms of soul evolution) in the next energy matrix all worked out "pluses" will be "erased" and will only appear the great amount of "minuses."

All his previous "achievements" will dissolve, and in his next incarnation he will be born in more "dark" worlds, or under more severe conditions of our world.

4. To solve the problems about the "high social status" – check by money and power, our soul may be incarnated in the most appropriate (in its view) conditions.

For example, a person can be born in a rich country or in a rich family, can receive a large inheritance, it can happen a confluence of favorable circumstances etc.

Tasks of the soul can be a variety of number, for example, "erasing" the programs of greediness, envy, pride, selfishness; checking for the maturity by power or by wealth of previously-established positive qualities; working out the new high spiritual qualities on the background of the material wealth and power; working out the positive karma with the help of power or money – active state, scientific, artistic, social and educational activities for the benefit of his country, his people, etc.

That is why life of a person in this incarnation is easier – it is specially chosen by soul the external circumstances for specific tasks – checking by the money and power.

But as you understand if a person does not "figure out" the tasks of his soul and will live in such favorable circumstances his life foolishly without solving any set task, in the next life he will have quite different living conditions – that are much tougher.

5. To quickly gain power or money, some people rely on the most ancient and proven variant: one is constantly turn to the clergy, the other – to psychics, bioenergy, wizards, witches, sorcerers, shamans etc., while the third ones are doing it themselves.

Regarding the first two categories of people, I think, everything is clear: if a priest or magician, as people usually say – "strong," then there is a chance that some desires of his patients will be realized. If not, then it is useless waste of time and money. And I would like to stay a little bit on the third category of people.

As you can understand, their effectiveness depends on many factors: the past developments in this incarnation; the development of chakra system and personal power; the level of knowledge and strength of religious or esoteric egregore to which the person is associated with; "specialized" generic egregores and "helpers"; the strength of the established contacts and working properly with the angels, archangels, spiritual Teachers, gods, spirits, egregores, and someone works well with devils, demons, etc.

It also depends on the complexity and volume of desires itself – on how much time and resources are needed for its implementation; on the consequences for the person that may arise after the implementation – whether it makes harm to the soul, on objects, places, and days of Power, as well as on the mood and the state in which the person worked with desires.

I have listed almost all the factors that are to some extent may affect the final result – almost all that we do at every level of education.

Therefore, all these factors are need to be considered when working with desires.

But there is one incomprehensible thing: sometimes it happens that a man, having neither the above mentioned conditions and best practices, nor strong links with the angels, gods, etc., gets some material results more quickly than someone who obtain it all.

Let's try to understand what can happen here. At first glance, it looks like some sort of injustice, but in fact there are some simple explanations and necessary conditions, that you need to remember.

To destroy anything in our material world - to break, kill, take away, steal, to foul, to spoil, to disturb, to deceive (to destroy in others the sanity and awareness), etc. is much easier and faster than anything to create. That is why the desires of destructive direction are realized much faster than creative.

That is why the Powers of Chaos, demons, daemons, angry gods, malicious spirits, etc. much more quickly respond to human needs, especially if he chooses them and asks for the realization of his desires.

The truth is that, this person immediately falls into a trap from which it is then very difficult to escape. If he has angry or destructive desires, they all appear in his field in the form of certain vibrations and luminosity. Therefore the "dark" Powers and beings can easily see in him its "own" at the level of qualities – at the level of field emission.

Thus is born what people call the black magic. It is the union of man and assistants from subtle worlds, where a set of human qualities with the "dark" desires in many aspects is similar to a set of qualities of "dark" Powers of the Universe and the beings with whom he is working.

But as you may recall from previous descriptions with time, such union has a negative impact on the mental and physical health of the magician, because the Powers of destruction demand more and more from him in return for his personal power.

With each new contact they increasingly fill his field, forcing out all the "light" human qualities. And, despite the fact that they help people in the implementation of some material desires, in reality they represent energy parasites and the connections with whom the reasonable person should break at any cost.

Therefore, answering the question: "Why some desires of bad people are realized faster" you must remember that destroy and spoil is a lot easier than to create.

For the realization of any material desires – to change something in our material world (health, money, protection, luck, removing obstacles, creating the enabling environment, the destruction of adverse situations, illnesses, etc.) you need to work only with those Powers and "assistants," whose activities include these tasks.

Roughly speaking – you need to agree with those who specializes in this, and do not bother those who is not engaged in these issues in general.

If you want to work seriously with some Powers and beings, in the first place you need to study all available information about them, and then choose the "personal" angels, spirits, gods or goddesses, Saints for you - all whom you need to solve those or other problems. And then slowly start to interact with them.

But always remember that to work with desires you should very carefully choose the egregores, Powers of the Universe and the subtle helpers.

For example, people with "dark" desires seek for help only at the "dark" Powers, harmful spirits, devils, ghosts, daemons, devils, demons, evil spirits, asuras, Pishaches, rakshasas etc. – to everyone from this cohort, with whom they were able to "agree."

Therefore, answering the question: "Who helps the bad people," you already understand – what kind of Powers and what can be the consequences after.


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