Hola, me llamo Odin.

Soy psicólogo, entrenador, Gran Maestro Reiki, sanador espiritual, experto en el campo de la psicoenergética humana.

Durante más de 15 años he estado estudiando y practicando el hinduismo, el chamanismo, la tradición de los antiguos eslavos y muchos otros sistemas. Veo un aura y puedo decirte lo que está sucediendo con tu aura y cómo depurar su trabajo.

Desarrolló un sistema de autoría único para el autodesarrollo rápido, la limpieza y el fortalecimiento de la psique y la energía, el rejuvenecimiento y la curación del cuerpo, que lo ayudarán a deshacerse de muchos problemas de la vida.

Si desea atraer dinero y suerte, cambie su vida para mejor, protéjase de las influencias energéticas negativas, aumente su inmunidad, elimine la fatiga crónica, el estrés y la depresión,


El blog
Ritos en los días de fuerza

Solsticio De Invierno: Magia Fuerte - Ritos Para El Cumplimiento De Los Deseos

Congratulations on the upcoming Slavic New Year which will take place from 21st till 22nd of December!
Ritos en los días de fuerza

Cuál Es El Poder De Halloween: Aprovechar Al Máximo!

Soon comes the very favorable day when it is very well to get rid of troubles of your life.

There was a big deal that I could not push for half of the year… Hello! I had a problem – a big deal that I could not push for six months.Everything depended on the number of people who prevented. The deal was absolutely honest and people insisted on a big kick-back.A friend advised to write about this problem to his teacher (he was passing the...
It took me three months to change my life! Good afternoon, Odin! Just a few months ago I would not have believed it possible. That I myself will be able to create my own future and it will work!What kind of problems did I have?Three years ago I got a divorce from my husband and since my personal life did not go well. I always come across...
Everything is not so difficult – you have to realize a few things! Recently, somewhere in the Internet I read the notes about Odin, they say, he swung too much – he took a very heavy problem and said it could be solved quickly. Previously I thought so myself. But six months passed, I learned three levels, apply the new settings in life and now do not think...