The psychologist, coach, author of healthy lifestyle techniques, a certified spiritual healer with 15 years of experience, an expert in human psychoenergetics and techniques of fulfilling the desires, Grand Master and Reiki Master, is initiated to the 4 steps Reiki system under the line of Reiki founder Mikao Usui.
He sees the human aura and makes it work. He helps people to find and remove negative psychoenergetic programs every day, the causes of life failures, diseases and other destructive conditions.
For over 15 years he has been engaged in psychology, esoteric science, he is practicing the most effective techniques for self-development taken from Hinduism, Shamanism, the tradition of the ancient slavs – the Cossack Spas, adapting them for application by a modern man.
The author of the trainings "Why the gods do not hear us, or How to make our desires come true" – the unique system for rapid self-development, cleansing of mind and energy, body rejuvenation and healing. It has been applied by more than 700,000 people from around the world for the moment.