Winter Solstice: Strong Magic – Rites On The Fulfillment Of Desires
I congratulate you on the forthcoming Slavic New Year, which will take place from 21st till 22nd of December! And the whole cycle of holidays lasts until 6th of January.
It is also called the winter solstice (Rozdzdvo, Novoletie, Kolyada, Christmastide, Prosinets, Month of building-up the sun, Yule)...
This is one of the ten most powerful Days of Power of the year – a night when the New Sun is born.
A great day for the strong magic to plan ahead the favorable circumstances for new initiatives and projects. Rites on the winter solstice are particularly strong.
• The winter solstice is a good day for those who want to develop spiritually, it gives strength to reach the new levels and helps to reveal knowledge from past lives.
• It is a great day for rites on the fulfillment of desires, healing, prosperity, empowerment and wisdom.
All Powers contribute to ADD yourself what you are missing this night. And to get rid of anything unnecessary is better on other Days of Power.
At this time many things become possible and it is necessary to use such opportunities.
I invite you to participate the rites in absentia, which we will carry out that day!
It works so as well))
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