Beltayn (Rakhmansky Great Day, Easter, Red Hill, Radunitsa)
Many people believe that Easter is the day of the Resurrection of Christ: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes. In fact Easter is a Judaic holiday, The Resurrection of Christ is a Christian holiday and Easter cakes and eggs are the attributes of the ancient Slavic festival Velikden which was celebrated long before the events described in the Bible.
The word "Easter" ("Pesah") translated from Hebrew means "Pass by" and refers to the biblical story when the Jews exited Egypt and has nothing to do with the Slavic peoples.
As I wrote, it concerns many holidays – the names and exact dates – with the advent of Christianity everything is entangled and now we do not study this. The main thing is at least to understand a little the essence of the holidays we are celebrating and receive the maximum benefit from them.
So, April 5-7.
This is the time of the whole cycle of the major holidays of spring connected with each other and celebrated for several weeks:
Velikden, Rahmansky Velikden Christian Easter, Low Sunday (Lelnik, Radonitsa, Radunica, Rodonitsa, Radavnitsa, Forefathers, Vernal Forefathers, Parent Days, Day of Nav, Radonitskaya week, Provodnaya (Seeing off) week, Dead week). After Christianization the Radonitskaya week was renamed into Fomin week. And in northern Europe they celebrate Beltane in early May.
Rahman in the Vedic tradition is Magian the sage of higher initiations of Magians who has disowned the earthly goods. In ancient times the Slavs honored all knowing people, teachers and mentors of Orthodox generation, and most of all the Magians – Rahmans.
On this day the Slavs notify the righteous Forefathers that remember their origins and bright Ancestry, so they painted eggs in red or orange ("krashenki") to symbolize the Sun. They have also made the "pisanki" – eggs were painted in floral ornament.
Such eggs symbolized the Earth and to what it gives birth. Egg is a prototype of "Golden germ of the Universe." If "krashenki" were made from boiled eggs, the "pisanki" were often left raw to save the germ that handed the power inherent in it to a future life of that was portrayed on the egg.
The egg is a model of the Universe Creation and development of the varied life from a small element. Then Easter eggs shells were thrown into the river – this shell floats to the Prav and notifies the Forefathers, that the Slavs held an important holiday of Svarog Circle.
Also, people baked the cakes of cylindrical shape with a white molasses and grains scattered on the "head" – this is a symbol of male fertility. This is the respect of the life-giving force with which the Creator's plan turns into flesh.
Radonitsa (Radunica, Rodonitsa, Radavnitsa, Forefathers, Vernal Forefathers, Parent Days, Day of Nav) is celebrated at the end of April. The entire week is considered to be a holiday and is called Radonitskaya week (Provodnaya week, Dead Week), Fomin week in Christians.
Radunitskaya week starts on Sunday which is called Low Sunday (meaning the full arrival of spring), includes Radunitsa (Monday or Tuesday) and ends on Saturday. The last day is called "Bindweed (Vyunets)" or "Vyushnik" to honor the "vyunets (bindweed) and vyunitsu" that means young couples or lovers.
Low Sunday, which is also called Lelnik – is a celebration of love, the birth of feelings and hopes. It is dedicated to one of the goddesses under the name Lelya, which in Slavic mythology is the daughter of Lada. On the next day is celebrated Yarylo the Vernal. On this day Yarylo opens the earth and releases the dew, the warmth comes on Earth and the rapid growth of herbs begin.
Radunica is a holiday of remembrance of forefathers and the meeting of spring. This is a mirror image of the autumn holiday – Autumn Forefathers. If on the Autumn Forefathers the souls of forefathers fly away to Irij, after that the gates of Irij or Svarga are closing for the whole winter, then at the end of April, when the last cold weather steps away, the gates of Irij are opening and the warmth comes on Earth, the birds and souls of forefathers are returning.
As the pagans consider death only as a transition to another world – to the Forefathers and Gods, then Radunitsa is a holiday of joy and therefore is called Radunica, not "Skorbnitsa". As well as on Autumn Forefathers it was taken to lay the table at home and put a separate serving dish for the souls of Forefathers who on that day for the first time of the year sit down with their descendants at the common table to celebrate the arrival of spring.
Beltane ("The fire of god Bel") in the Celtics tradition was opening the light time of the year and was associated with the ignition of the sacrificial fire and relevant offerings to the great god of sun – the light Dagda – Father of Fire. Initially this holiday fell on the full moon of the second month after the vernal equinox (around 7-9 of May).
Celtic priests lit bonfires on hilltops. These fires sent away the evil and protected the local settlements from evil spirits. If the night ended good, the morning was greeted with wine and nuts.
The ancient Celtic Beltane heralded the arrival of summer, this day the most important was to appease the gods so that they give people the good harvest and fertility. Also, this day in the Celts culture is considered to be the most favorable day for the wedding, as in the Slavs tradition on the Low Sunday.
Indirect participation in my rites for cleaning and fulfillment of desires...
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