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Menschliche Chakren: 3 Entwicklungsschritte Von Herzchakren

When the heart is open the Creator appears inside of us and we experience the Divine Love free from impermanence of earthly emotions. And then we begin to understand clearly – what is the meaning of life for all living beings.

How the heart chakras affect the operation of the other chakras.


I will remind you the list of the heart chakras group:

Between solar plexus and center of the chest – Ananda-kanda.
Breast Center – Anahata; Heron; Yarlo.
The right side of the chest – Surya; Lada.
The left side of the chest – Chandra; Lelya.

Chakras of a person – the heart chakra: the opening of chakras

I would like to remind you once again that the programs – both negative and positive run the chakras work. As you may recall from the previous article: the majority of people have MORE OR LESS DEVELOPED, BUT NOT BALANCED energy centers, ranging from the lowest and up to the heart.

This is because all of the processes of life "twist" only around these chakras at most of people: they perceive the world, think and feel only with these three or four chakras using, as a rule, only the negative qualities of these chakras.

The lowest chakras is the place where most of the man’s problems lie.

In order to clean them qualitatively to lead to a stable equilibrium and to realize the maximum potential, you need to consistently develop all the higher centers of the hierarchy (from the heart and above). But you should start with the heart chakras – here is such confusing as it might seem at first glance the algorithm of actions.

Now we will clear up all of this. Once you have identified and cut off the communication with the greatest energy parasites, it is necessary to start working with three heart chakras – Anahata, Lelya and Lada.

First you need to "turn" them on. Do not hold your Love: you need to maximum reveal the energy of the chakras in your daily lives. IT IS NECESSARY TO LEARN TO LOVE THE CREATOR, YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, THE WORLD AROUND YOU, YOUR WORK, HOBBY – EVERYTHING THAT SURROUNDS YOU.

It is very difficult to change the psychology of the lower chakras, and much more so to realize that it needs to be done without the development of the heart centers, where change is difficult to begin with.

There are several stages or levels of the heart chakras development.

The first stage is when the heart chakras are shut down or are not developed, they say that a person is cold or heartless. We do not know neither how to understand or empathize nor to feel other living beings being in this state – we do not have that energy bodies that are able to do so at this level of development.

The second stage is when the heart chakras rapidly radiate energy of love and develop quickly, but this process is uncontrolled. In this case the person becomes very emotional, vulnerable and disgusted. In this state, we begin to feel deeply all shades of joy and pain of all living beings where we direct our attention and to which our consciousness is connected.

When we empathize with someone, we are "on the same wavelength" with them and their feelings become our feelings. Other people's sorrows and troubles are causing our heartache, tears and suffering, because those energy structures have already been formed inside of us which are able to feel all this.

Thus both positive and negative energies of the heart chakra appear – at this level of development our feelings and emotions are strong and bright, but unruly.

But as you understand, it's not those conditions, which we want to achieve.

The third stage is a happy medium that we can move towards the disclosure of the maximum capacities of the heart chakras, but moreover we can teach them how to maintain balance and not to generate an emotional chaos.

The new quality to the heart chakras will help us and it is necessary to turn out in it self: IMPARTIAL JUDJMENT OF LOVE AND HATE.

For most of people, at first, it turns out to be a daunting task even if the brains understand – how it is and for what you need, the emotions still do not want to follow them. But in fact, it is not difficult, the main thing is to know, want and remember every moment – for what we are doing this.

First: developed and balanced heart chakras change the algorithm of all the lower chakras work – they keep them under control and prohibit to show out the negative qualities. Instead, the heart chakras make the lower chakras to manifest those positive qualities which are laid down in them, thereby encouraging them to develop.

Second: without the heart chakra development all the upper chakras neither develop, nor can reveal their maximum potential. They can develop simultaneously but without presence of "right" and balanced energies in the heart chakras neither Visuddha, nor Ajna, nor Bindu, nor Sahasrara or other chakras projected in head, they are not able to develop harmoniously – so how our energy body is created.

Heart chakras in this case act as a "sentry", which checks our consciousness for purity and maturity, for harmony and manageability. And in case of unavailability this "sentry" just does not allow our mind to manage the supernormal abilities which for the time being "asleep" within us.

Without the development of the heart chakras it is very difficult for us to form the "channel of communication" with your personified deities, as well as with the "light" Powers of the Universe that help us in the realization of desires.

All these laws have long been noticed by people who were walking along the path of spiritual development. That is why they have always paid much attention to the disclosure of the heart energies. And that is why at the heart of every true religion and spiritual teachings this great mission is laid – the maximum manifestation of the power of Love.

The evolution of our soul takes place only through the manifestation of the energies of Love which are fully able to be generated only in the heart chakra.

When our heart is revealed the Creator manifests inside of us and we experience the Divine Love free from impermanence of earthly emotions. And then we begin to clearly understand what the meaning of life is for all living beings.

When the life power is moving freely and harmonic inside of us, we are light of heart and we are happy, and the happiness is a state of perfect inner balance.

The basic plan of the Creator for us is to be HAPPY: passing a series of countless incarnations we have to do and voluntarily to come to this state.

We must learn to build him in ourselves.

This is that path that the Creator leads us to and the conductor of his will is our soul. And we can not somehow outwit our soul or heart – our life will constantly lead us to that goal with hard kicks as foolish children.


How to work over all chakras...

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You helped me much! I will be working now and will direct all my forces to vanish the negative emotions. As soon as they brake through I feel sorry in a few minutes and ask God to forgive me, I couldn’t stop this negative energy flow earlier and with the help of your courses, I can do this now step by step. I see and feel that this is possible – not to snap at)). Good emotions will be my friends, will give me joy, and in my turn, I will give joy to everybody who is close to me: loved ones, friends, passer-by people. I’m telling you all this from the very heart. Giving You warmness and good mood that are with me now! You are a Magician. Thank you kindly!!!
