If you don't know where you are going,
you will probably end up somewhere else.
                               — Laurence J. Peter

Der blog




Erfüllung von Wünschen

Viele Möglichkeiten, Sich Etwas Zu Wünschen, Aber Warum Sie Nicht Wahr Werden

Over the past few centuries, people invented many ways to fulfill their desires, but the problem is that they do not work with modern people. There is one OBSTACLE about which knows only a few people and almost no one speaks.

Schwarze Kunst, Fluch, böser Blick

Hoodoo, Evil Eye, Zauber - Wie Man Sich Selbst Identifiziert

How do you think your field looks like on aura camera? Why do our chakras start to hurt? How to close the energy losses and protect yourself against magical attacks...


3 Auge Auch Fehler: Warum Seher Aura Anders Sehen

Oddly enough, but seeing can also make mistakes and incorrectly describe what they see for some reasons. Who are the seeing people and how they differ from the clairvoyants and from what does the PURITY OF THEIR VISION depend on?

Menschliche Energie

Wie Man Die Immunität Eines Erwachsenen Mit Einfachen Übungen Stärkt

Why the energy is so important for us, to what consequences the problems with its lack result, how to raise and strengthen the immune system with the help of energy.

Erfüllung von Wünschen

Wie Man Einen Wunsch Erfüllt - Die Richtige Wunschkarte

Do you still remember about what you dreamt and what you wanted to achieve in this life?