If you don't know where you are going,
you will probably end up somewhere else.
                               — Laurence J. Peter





Human Energy

Human Aura: Why The Aura Camera Is Useful And How Well It Shows

Surely you have heard of such a device as an aura camera. How it can be useful, and how preciously it shows...

Human Energy

Energy Field – Where And What Makes

Perhaps you've seen the film "The One". There main character was traveling through parallel worlds and killed their doubles...

Human Energy

Human Aura – What Is Inside

Chakras and subtle bodies, the assembling point, the ego and the mind, useful and malicious settle nearby... All this is now living inside of us with its own life. What is our aura, and WHAT can "catch" the magic malicious program – settle nearby, evil eyes, hoodoos, damnations?

Human Energy

Kundalini Energy: Where is the danger?

Surely, you have heard of the Kundalini. This is that thing that when activating it awakens the clairvoyance, telepathy, aura vision and other miracles in man. How to prepare for this and what does this result into?

Human Energy

How To Strengthen The Immune System With Simple Exercises

Why the energy is so important for us, to what consequences the problems with its lack result, how to raise and strengthen the immune system with the help of energy.